Well, Christmas has been and gone and another year starts tomorrow. I am looking forward to putting 07 behind me. It has been a roller coaster of a year for me from massive highs to all-time lows, emotionally and physically. After cancer and the infections from surgery, being busy preparing for christmas and travelling I am now so damn tired I am emotionally stuffed and have caught the grandchildren's tummy bug. I can't So no celebrating for me tonight. I'll be in bed early again. But I will wake up tomorrow having subconsiously kicked 07 in the butt, good riddance! On the positive side I am rid of the big C, I turned 50 and had a wonderful celebration with family and friends and I had a wonderful year at work. I achieved my targets, reaped the rewards and had a lot of fun. Sadly Stew the boss has left now and we will have to 'train' a new boss (when we get one) and so another learning curve to come! Stew is a legend and has been so kind and supportive during my "07 challenges" I really appreciate him and will miss his whit and sense of humour.
The Christmas presents were finished on time (last minute of course) but I was proud of my efforts and really enjoyed making them. Here is Cameron's doll in Motorx pyjama's and leather slippers (as Cam has been racing for the last 4 years).

Alex loves Thomas the Tank Engine and his one has teddy bear slippers. Olivia, well she loves pink, anything pink and her's has bunny slippers.
These were from a Patchwork & Stitching mag. I love this photo of Alex when he unwrapped his. He is a gorgeous boy ah. But only 2 1/2 years old.

Here is Olivia (4 in March) and Alex with big brother George (12).
has been to the Dolls Hospital and received new eyes for Christmas. She has been lovingly bathed during her 33 years to the extent that she looked like 'chuckys sister'.

I 'borrowed' her from my daughter Annette, and after surgery I made her some new clothes. Annette was really excited to unwrap her on Christmas Day. Hubby thought she was nuts but she takes after her mum being sentimental (lucky she didn't get my dum brains).
Thank you to everyone who has given me support this year especially over the last 5 months ( wow, it seems a lifetime but it's all happened so fast ah). My love to you all and here's to a wonderful, successful and positive year ahead. 08 is a nice round number, no edges, no endings, so it's bound to be really smooth.
Happy New Year everyone.