October 16, 2007

Long overdue update - crap literally!

Wow, its been a while but its now 4 weeks since I left hospital but I've made five steps forward and 6 back! I finally had the all clear from the district nurses 10 days ago from the infection in my wounds (psuedomonas) but was already on another course of antibiotics as my local GP thought I had an abcess under my wound. Shortly after I had diarrohea which continued, me thinking it was the anitbiotics however it didn't stop when the drugs stopped so I went back to the GP. I got the results yesterday. Another lovely bug that is caused by being on broad spectrum antibiotics (for the infection) for too long! And guess what there is no cure, they can only treat it when it happens. So this week MORE antibiotics, and my diet is strictly white bread with marmite or raspberry jam, and thin soup! Fullstop. Nothing else. I am starving. Its toast and jam for breakfast, soup and plain toast for lunch and bread and marmite for tea. And I hate white bread! There aren't a lot of variations of having this diet.

But if I'm not better by Tuesday I'm off to hospital and thats a place I dont want to go back too. In fact I think I'm home on drugs this week as this bug isn't good in hospitals amongst sick people!

The only good thing is my huggy tight jeans fell down to my hips on Sunday so I dont even need to undo them to get them off! Jeans I haven't worn for two years cause I couldn't get the zip up fit now but a little too tight on my wounds yet. Tummy tucks are a bonus but I have wondered if I should have just had the boob off and been done with it now! A fleeting thought, I'm sure in a few months I'll be so happy with it.

At last I've started doing something though. Its been hard getting started, no concentration but a friend helped me get started on a doll for a friends birthday this weekend. All the hard parts done so I can sit and do handsewing between pit stops and energy naps. I am supposed to go back to work on Tuesday cause I was thinking I'd be bouncing by now but its all up in the air for now!

time for a nanna nap now friends. Take care. Will try not to leave it so long next time.



Chris H said...

Ah bugger about the ongoing sagas mate... Stew told me all about it last night, you poor bugger! I am sure you are missed at work so hurry up and get better! I even miss you when I pop in!

Helen said...

What a pain in the #@%*

Rachel said...

Sorry to hear about your 'bugs', hope the antibiotics are kicking it in the butt.