Geez, where are the weeks going? I have so much to do.. I have no time for being tired at night right now. Despite Vancomcin for a week the dreaded Cdiff is still with me so I'm going to give alternative medicine a go. I've read that probiotics can be effective.
Well only 4 weeks till Christmas and I haven't bought A present yet! and only 1 week till Project R has to be finished and I haven't even started!! Typical KJ always running late but it will happen!!
But the weekend was wonderful. I had one of my gorgeous grandsons to stay. He was sooooo good and I was so proud to be his nan. I took him to our sewing day on Saturday complete with material he could sew up, my older sewing machine etc. He had a ball and I am amazed how clever a 7 yr old is at sewing a straight line!
He loved it and everyone loved him. He passed around the morning tea, had a conversation with everyone and admired their work! I took him for a swim at lunchtime to break the monotony and give the ladies some peace but he was more than happy to go back. I'm now quilting his rug together so he can have it. He also made fabric cornucopia's to put on the 

tree with little presents or sweets in them. Two squares of fabric and a piece of cord. so easy but in Christmas fabric I reckon they'll look gorgeous on a tree.

Well no time for adding more tonight. Time to get Project R started!
OOO I love the materials for Project R... PERFECT for that special project !!!! Pull finger girl, not long to go before S leaves for good ... *BIG SOBS*!
It can't be only 4 weeks to Christmas - can it?? Eek!!
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