Well its nearly lunchtime and all I've done is hang the washing, water the garden, do the dishes and sit on here for 2 hours looking for a pattern. I'm going to make a scrappy tablecloth

and a roman blind this weekend to spruce up my house before my sister arrives on Friday. Well, both sisters are coming I think? I dont need to start a new project.
This is Grandson George's quilt. Needs sashings in between now and other stuff done. Won't take long .... hmmmm

This is a row by row challenge thats just arrived in the mail. I have to do a row and then send it on.
Also, I need to clean windows, floors, bathroom, make up the spare bed etc etc. And start looking for a car. My car can't be locked now and since its only worth $1 its not worth fixing it. But a pain when I want to go to town! Stressing about cars is not needed at the moment. I'm going through a post cancer depression thingy I think and some days I find it hard to cope with anything. It's weird. I haven't felt like it for 15 years but I'm told its just part of the healing process. Good old St Johns Wart or rather Elizac is my saviour. It is such a fantastic pick me up but sadly I can't find it in NZ anymore. I picked up a bottle in Aus in June 'just in case' but it will see me through.
Stew packed up his office yesterday. Shouted muffins which was beautiful, thanks Stew! And thanks for the effort to get the right one for me - didn't taste the arsenic at all!! Obviously it didnt work anyway.
I had thought of moving into his office but he left it in such a mess I can't be bothered haha. *Jok We decided (all two of us at work) to make a managerial decision and go home early as we are now in mourning. We are lost and forelorn - the guy in charge now is called Caspar - I'll say no more!
So hopefully we'll get a new boss soon - otherwise we could end up on stress leave..... haha but until then I have a CARPARK behind the office. And noone has stolen the car YET!
Right, now I'm off here and going to start cutting and piecing this tablecloth and pin up the roman blind and clean ... Tui!
Well its now 7.30 and I have cut out hundred's of strips of fabric and now am going to sort them into lights, mediums and darks. The phone hasn't rung today but my little grandson Cam texted me (geez, he's 8) to tell me he's called his doll Cuddles. I rang him then and my daughter told me he has taken it everywhere with him, to the beach even for New Years. He is such a sentimental little guy. The other two little grandies evidently showed their dolls off to Great Aunty Debbie (oh how I love to say that - she's only 41 hehe). I am so pleased I made them, I really enjoyed it but I think I should have started earlier. The late nights have not helped. So tomorrow it'll be sewing and cleaning of course!
And today's been 7/10 so early to bed tonight and taking care of myself - Hmmm Chris that's a HUGE black bag... hope it has a power pack!