January 24, 2008

Warning everyone -

Be careful and make sure you do a virus check often. It's not a virus as such but some bright spark on On5.blogspot managed to get into my cookies and sent an email to his mates on my behalf. When you look at his blogspot it goes straight to a site about enlarging your penis. Well, can't say I have that problem but I believe I missed an interesting programme on tv 3 last weekend about what you can't do with 24". I got a mailer daemon on my email this morning (not the one registered here) saying that my email with his details couldn't get through and Norton's have picked up the infected cookies.
Smart bugger ah. Obviously his 1" doesn't keep him occupied!


Chris H said...

Ha ha ha! 1"..... poor man!

jen said...

hehehehe there are a few idiots around with nothing better to do ehhhhhh???