Today we've been to the bike shop.. to look and dream! George is into mountain biking in a very serious way. Geez, my car cost less than some of their bikes!!! His one cost $1300. Told him he needs to do well at school, get a good job and then he'll be able to buy the expensive bikes and go in all the rides. Of course, I told him he'll have to make a choice between a bike or a bird... one could get jealous of the other maybe.
And so now he's finished the first canvas as they say. It's done in fabric ink so just needs to dry the first coat before putting the second lot of colours down (trees and bush he says). We're trying a technique a friend did and laid a few things on top which should leave an impression or a shadow on the fabric.
Years ago George painted a picture at school which I really loved. It cost me $10.00 ??? Talk about scrooge haha but thats a good sign. He does save his money well. But I'm hoping that one day I'll copy this painting onto fabric and build a quilt around it.
While it drys we're off to the Lido. George not me! I do have to start going to the pool as hopefully it will help my arm. I still can't get undressed, open the door or reach in a certain position without pain. I thought it would just take time but it's getting more painful. I talked to another cancer patient last week who's post cancer 5 years and she still has to get undressed 'the man's way'. Not me.. I've got to get it right!
And then after dinner oh dear, I'm going to Stockcars!!!!! I don't think I've been there since I was 16... God help me. The things we do for our grandchildren. I'll be deaf tomorrow.... haha.
I've decided to see the doc about the possibility that menopause may have crept up on me since the op.. some days I just don't cope at all with the silliest little thing.. I feel like I'm going nuts! Or was I already???
But Stew, the ex Boss is back in the office for a few days so that will be really good. It's just not the same. But then hopefully we will find out who our new boss is this week and hopefully it will be a 'good' person!
And Chris tell Stew he can have MY carpark! Hehe.
Nite everyone.
Ha ha, he knows he can't have it back!
ahhhhhhhhh the stockcars...wish I could go with you !!!
Have fun and hope the noise didn't deafen you.
mmmm menopause sux!!
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