You know I've just realised tonight how healing these hearts have been. For the last few days I have thought more about getting home to see what's in the mail and how Im going to put these blocks together than I have about the cancer! Well, I'm still anxious to get rid of the horrible overstayer! but these gorgeous bright hearts from all over NZ have given me so much to look forward too. Its amazing and still more are coming.

The photos not too great here but this heart was from Jacqui Karl from Kimbolton, who has quilted all my quilts so far. Jacqui is an amazing fabric artist and does all the quilting on an ordinary sewing machine. I have been known to cry when I have seen what Jacqui has created on my quilts. She's wonderful and her heart is too.
Tomorrow I'm off to Lower Hutt to see the surgeon who will do the first part of my op.. the masectomy. So the ball is rolling at last.
Oh good luck tomorrow Mate, hope it all goes well with the visit and he can get you in there soon and get it off!!!!! And of course, get the plastic man to do his stuff too!
Thinking of you Karen.
The hearts are lovely and shows how much people care.
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