It's given me heaps to think about - like how am I going to put them all together??
Only two more sleeps and off to another general surgeon in Lower Hutt who will be doing the masectomy and then I see the plastic surgeon on Monday. I rang LH today to confirm my appt and asked if they had my mammogram slides - they didnt and the surgeon needed to see them so lucky I rang. PN will copy them just in time.
I had a great weekend. Margaret was here till late Saturday and we had a wonderful girly time. Blobbing out chatting, brunch, visitors it was great. then Sunday Cherry arrived with a naughty morning tea, she's such a doll! Emma invited me to their house for lunch and my friend Carol invited me for dinner! Wow, I could get used to that!! haha. It was good to get some sewing done too but I still have a lot to catch up on. Tomorrow night I will have discipline, come home and eat dinner quickly then into it. No slacking.
I have to get up early tomorrow too. My online quilting group are now sending childrens blocks in to make quilts for kids at Starship. Since I'm no good at applique I'm cutting a pile of blocks in childrens fabrics (I only have a few - yeah kidding!). I'm going to make quilts for my little people, Olivia and Alex who are 3 and 2. They are gorgeous little people. But first I have to make one for George and I have got as far as drafting the pattern. Third attempt! I have to like something before I can make it. George wants a mountain bike track quilt. I made a Motorx quilt for his cousin Cameron last year. It was a real mission but I was so proud of it. Cameron and his friends drew all the pictures at his 6th birthday party and I copied and appliqued them onto the quilt. Above is daytime with his dog Bud chasing the sheep. Below is the nightime and the dog is fast asleep in his kennel, Cameron is asleep in the loft and the motorbikes in the barn. the trees are the hands of Cameron and his friends. Orange is Cam's favourite colour and the hands belong to Dad (start of the race) and Mum's at the finish line. George will have his before his birthday in November. Thats my goal!
Better get my beauty sleep so I can get up early. Boss is letting me have his car park tomorrow while he has some touch ups done. He needs a few - getting old you know! hehe.
1 comment:
Ha ha, Stew having 'touch ups".. not from he he ain't!!! He's an arsehole at the mo....friggin men. As for his car... yep it needs it's touch ups....Those heart squares are just gorgeous.... who gets the quilt?????
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