Thanks to Myra, Caroline, etc for their kind words and encouragement I will keep going with my blog. I've had the worst week really. So called 'friends' telling me how I should feel, what I should be doing etc. And then after receiving a letter from the hospital telling me my appointment with the surgeon has been postponed for another ten days.. well I crashed big time. It didnt help that I was out for dinner with friends when one said "your cancer can't be that urgent" etc etc. I know she has a problem with speaking before thinking but I wasn't strong enough that night to cope with her 'advice' and I left the restaurant. I ended up at Carol's and sobbed my heart out for what seemed like ages. To me I need to get rid of this incidious disease TOMORROW - it has taken over my life. It was like my whole being was waiting for today's appointment as then I would be one step closer to 'the end'. I was devastated... I'm lucky to have friends close to me who've had cancer like Raewyn who bought me flowers yesterday because she understood how dissapointed I was.

And my Quilt.... Wow, I now have 67 heart blocks! Most from people I dont even know. They are members of an online quilt group I belong to so the blocks have come from all over NZ. Some from close friends .. from Myra, Irene, Jacqui. Last night some of our Quilt Club Committee gave me them.. gorgeous hearts and there will probably be more in the letterbox tonight. Even a colleague who doesnt quilt has sent me a fat quarter because she wants to be part of it! They are gorgeous, bright colours and I will be able to look at them often and read the
names of those who have made them. I never thought something as small as a 6" piece of fabric could be so precious. Carol is going to help me put the blocks together and she will quilt it for me before I have my op. I can't wait to see it finished.

It helps me realise how lucky I am that this is happening at the best time of my life! I have great family and friends, a job I enjoy and a really supportive boss, a great place to live and I am learning from this experience to be stronger, to take control and walk away from situations when I don't feel good and that even a blade of grass or the texture of a fabric is more important than a nice new toyota! Geez??
Your quilt is going to be fantastic - 4 layers, being the usual 3 plus a layer of positive thoughts and love from so many people. Before my surgery I had some very dark nights of fear and worry, one day I opened my Grandma's Daily Light at the appropriate page and the words were so RIGHT. We are not alone, we just have to trust and believe in a LOVE far greater than we can imagine.
Peace be with you Karen and my love.
I am sending a hug to you......
Was it nice?????
I saw a link to your blog on Chris H blog.
sorry to hear about the Big C I have no idea what you must be going through. I think the quilt is a great idea! so nice for so many people to send you bits for the quilt!
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