February 20, 2008


I'm still here but having to restrict my time on the computer... I finally got my xray results back and I have got tendonitis in my right shoulder hence the pain in my right arm and neck. I start physio on Friday. So it is treatable and not caused by having some lymph nodes taken out. Hallelujah, I'll be able to get myself undressed without pain one day soon.

Saw the local surgeon today and he's very pleased with how things are healing. It was weird having someone touch it today cause when he pressed his finger against my new boob, it felt really numb... it's not real... yucky feeling.. hehe. Next Mammogram in July and see him again in August. I must say that follow up for breast cancer is absolutely amazing. But fair enough, as it seems to be the most common cancer this decade!

So if I'm on here this often girls, it's just cause I'm giving my arm a break... I have other stuff that's a priority like finishing a present for my sisters anniversary. And I'm on the computer most of the day at work so by night it's really burning.

Take care everyone.. hope you all do a lap in Relay for life.. I am sure going to, to honour everyone who has suffered so much with this crappy horrible disease... so much more than I have. And I'll light a candle for my pop who died of it 33 years ago next month, and my best friend Helen, who died after a long struggle with cancer in January 1991. I think it will be a really emotional day but I think I need it...I think I'll need a lot of tissues.. I'm so ugly when I cry!!!

1 comment:

Chris H said...

Welcome to my world! You got a numb boob, I got a numb bum!