July 20, 2007

The fog still is!

Just when I thought the fog was lifting I realised at 3am this morning that I had cut half my blocks the wrong size..... geez! And my mate at work says my hair is dyed! Think she's right! Haha.


Chris H said...

You are a dork!!! Get some sleep woman! Stew is going to notice you sleeping at your desk for sure!!!

Karen said...

Haha Chris. Who's Stew? Oh he's the guy who gives me his carpark several days a week..... hehe!

Margaret said...

See you real soon. So proud of you. Love you heaps.Margaret.

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen. This is Michelle, Veda's daughter (remember me?)Mum's been forwarding on your emails. I would just like to say what a great inspiration you are to all of us girls out there! This world lacks desperately, chicks like you. Best wishes and all the best! Love Michelle G (ex T)