July 17, 2007

One week since diagnosis!

This time last week I was diagnosed as having breast cancer and told I would need a mastectomy. Wow, it blew me away. I have just turned 50, had a fantastic party with family and friends and thought life was pretty sweet. I turned up for my routine mamogram without a care in the world until I was called back within a few days for reassessment.So here I am awaiting a visit to the surgeon this week. Its been a good week. I've coped, stayed positive. I am so lucky they have found it early and I will live to finish all my ufo's ... I patchwork .. a lot! I've told all my family and closest friends. And I'm planning a wake for my boob. After all, its fed three kids and served me well! My friends think its a fantastic idea.. they know me well and know that this is how I would want to spend the time close to surgery date.I'm hoping to be able to have a reconstruction at the same time but wont know for sure until I see the plastic surgeon. It would be so great if they could make it a nice pert 21 year old boosey but they'd have to pin up the other one as well. And the bonus is they take the fat for my new boosey from my stomach so I'll end up losing an inch or two. Hmmm I hope they know when they've got enough, I could end up with a double H on the right and a C on the left. I"d be running around in circles!Hey I have to make jokes. There is nothing I can do about this. I have cancer! Woah.. that is weird saying that. I feel fine, look fine but I have cancer. What a miserable sneaky disease it is ah. Noone in my family has had breast cancer. I had no lumps. No illness. But thanks to Breast Screening I have joined the millions of other women who suffer from this horrible disease. Well, I dont think of it as my enemy, that would be stressful. ..It is an overstayer..and its bags are being packed.So now you know what I'm coping with at the moment. I'm staying on top though feeling like I cant concentrate by the afternoons, very tired I think from stress even though I'm not consciously feeling stressed! Its always in the back of my mind and I cant wait to find out when I'm going to be rid of this pest. I hoped that by writing a blog friends and family could share my thoughts, and share their feelings with me. I know I am not alone in this. If nothing else this has happened at the best time in my life. I have a wonderful family and more friends now than I've ever had. My boss is fantastic and very understanding. I work with neat fun people in a job I love doing. I have a cosy place to live in and I am ever so grateful for all the support I have been offered. I know that everyone is thinking of me and will be there if I ask for help (geez that's not easy for me but I'll learn).


Chris H said...

Alrighty then ... got your new blog address on me blog... hope lots of people come over and support ya, cheer you up etc. You know Stew and I are there for you 100% eh? All the best mate.

Chris H said...

Oh yeah, and looking forward to the booby wake, lol!

FatBlokeThin said...

Hi - Chris H told me to pop over and I couldn't refuse - she scares me..lol!

Anyway, my mum had breast cancer about 12 years ago and due to her age she was diagnosed very early and avoided a mastectomy thankfully. It must be a very worrying and fretful time for you and your family - I completely understand.

I won't pretend to understand what it is like to face the loss of a part of your body but judging by your first post, you look more than well-equipped enough to cope!

I love the wake idea! I'm a bit jealous about the shrinking stomach though but I'll let you off under the circumstances!

Humour really is the best medicine, I never let my mum feel sorry for herself and I know your friends will do the same (especially you know who!).

Anyway, ramble over. I will add you to my blogroll so I can keep an eye on you and remember, post EVERYTHING, good or bad, we are here to support and encourage and getting stuff off your chest might be just what you need (no pun intended!!).

Best of luck, and finally a quote (you'll get used to this...lol!)

'Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful' - Buddha