February 20, 2008
Saw the local surgeon today and he's very pleased with how things are healing. It was weird having someone touch it today cause when he pressed his finger against my new boob, it felt really numb... it's not real... yucky feeling.. hehe. Next Mammogram in July and see him again in August. I must say that follow up for breast cancer is absolutely amazing. But fair enough, as it seems to be the most common cancer this decade!
So if I'm on here this often girls, it's just cause I'm giving my arm a break... I have other stuff that's a priority like finishing a present for my sisters anniversary. And I'm on the computer most of the day at work so by night it's really burning.
Take care everyone.. hope you all do a lap in Relay for life.. I am sure going to, to honour everyone who has suffered so much with this crappy horrible disease... so much more than I have. And I'll light a candle for my pop who died of it 33 years ago next month, and my best friend Helen, who died after a long struggle with cancer in January 1991. I think it will be a really emotional day but I think I need it...I think I'll need a lot of tissues.. I'm so ugly when I cry!!!
February 14, 2008
Ants bloody Ants

February 10, 2008
Saved from Op Shop

And I've been bad this weekend. I had a look on Trade Me and bought some gorgeous hydrangea fabrics.. in six different colourways. Can't wait for it to arrive. And good old Arthur Toye, god they love me in there, have heaps of fabrics for $5 metre. But I bought it for backing so that was useful. I also bought some for our Saturday sewing bee lucky dips. Gosh, I love fabric... sick or what!
February 4, 2008
It's raining at last!!!
The exciting news yesterday is that I am a "greatgrandmother". My granddaughter Olivia rang me to tell me she had a baby girl. It came out of her tummy. The baby cries when she wants a cuddle and luckily Olivia can breast feed too!! It's amazing though her baby doesnt have to wear nappies because she's toilet trained already!!! But yesterday she got really upset when they went to pick strawberries and she realised she'd left the baby home alone.
Olivia is nearly four! A friend of the family has had a baby recently. At Christmas time Olivia would pull up her tshirt and pat her tummy and tell me she had a baby inside her. I hope she's a little Margaret Fahy in the making...
And again I've done nothing tonight. My arm gives me the jip! The results of the xrays don't come back for a few days but I think I'll go and see a physio anyway. I have got so much to do and so little time!! haha. I was going to take an extra day off this week but before I thought of blocking out my calender I had two extra appointments haha. So I really need to get my a into g. But for now I'm off to snuggle down in bed, do a code cracker and get some sleep. Life is so hard some days!
February 2, 2008
Today started off well but still I have achieved nothing. I went shopping for shoes and a new iron but instead I HAVE finally bought a hose reel thingy so I don't have to worry about tripping over it, I HAVE bought a long handled car brush as my right arm is still not right after surgery and I can't reach... I HAVE found the right vacumn cleaner bags after searching all of PN and I bought a sprinkler so I dont have to stand and water the garden every night.
BUT Bloody But... I have also bought some fabric paints... do I need another project.. oh my god NO! I saw this gorgeous absolutely fantastic book that my friend Rhonda is making using fabric and paints etc etc and I've decided to make my sister one for her 30th wedding anniversary (in 8 weeks time)... with photos of the wedding and their children and Israel where thy love to go every year etc etc.. beads, buttons, trimming... ideas are flowing..
But today has been a blow out and I've achieved nothing cause the 'garden' needed my attention hehe.. (oh my is this me thinking like this!!! geez I must be getting well??) Settle Petal!
Well a friend and I are going out to Breakers for dinner cause I'm sick of eating the same old things and I have all day to recover tomorrow if I get sick! I'll probably only have the roast of the day cause I never cook a roast for myself but that's the beauty of it, it's my price and I don't have to stand in the kitchen for ages. And I've bought diastop now and it works so I still get the pain but not the 'crap' so to speak haha
And the amazing thing we had some rain last night. It lasted all of 3 minutes and didn't do any good but hey, it's proved it can still rain in Palmerston North.
January 26, 2008
All about George today

Years ago George painted a picture at school which I really loved. It cost me $10.00 ??? Talk about scrooge haha but thats a good sign. He does save his money well. But I'm hoping that one day I'll copy this painting onto fabric and build a quilt around it.
January 24, 2008
Warning everyone -
Smart bugger ah. Obviously his 1" doesn't keep him occupied!
January 20, 2008
The new car
My sister has gone home. We've walked and walked around the shops, she's finished a quilt and fixed up some of my clothes that swim on me, and we've had heaps of laughs. Little sis came on Friday night too so we had all three of us together .. was wonderful. It's quiet now.. that horrible echo you get when you've had company ... but another day off tomorrow for Wellington anniversary so I can catch up with friends and housework and sewing of course. Then back to work for 4 days.. I love it. Work has been so busy, incredibly busy and I have to admit now it was tiring. But I've been better healthwise and only a couple of cricket days (Can't have my mum's crabapple jelly and no lettuce at all!!! grrrr). Still lost another 500g since Friday, so all in all now a total of 12.4kgs since September.
Well I'm off to tidy up and watch the tape of Doc Martin from last night.
January 15, 2008
My New Car
I need to have a double wake now. One for my boob and for the bomb as well. I wonder if anyone will take it off my hands!!
January 14, 2008
Weekends - .8 gone again!

January 10, 2008
I only had to think about it!
Had a fantastic day today. Chris H came to use the loo but it was girl's break time so we had a great conversation and lots of laughs. I haven't stopped laughing since but not at you Chris, at the naivity that I never thought of my boss as... well you know. It's like your parents.. you never think they do either. I know that sounds dumb but you know what I mean haha.
As for your haircut be careful in the sun!! Have a great weekend together girl and thanks for making me laugh. I miss ya old... whoops young fella and the laughs we had in the office.
Today has been the best day at work too. I feel like I'm finally getting back to my old self. Been so busy busy and I COPED!! I really enjoyed it. A lot more soh too cause I'm feeling better and not playing cricket so much. Looking after myself with early nights or should I say earlier .. hehe.
Probably won't update now till Monday night. My sister is coming tomorrow and I am so looking forward to seeing her. We had a sisters weekend before my surgery and then they went overseas so I havent seen her since. She's a dressmaker and patchworker so we will scour Arthur Toye etc and oh boy, sad ah but I am so excited.
Oh and if I had a boss I'd ask him if I could leave twenty minutes early to go and pick her up from the airport haha but I never did ask boss before haha! Geez I miss that guy.
And now off here and get the housework done.. yes I was gunna do it Sunday.... did I say which Sunday????
January 9, 2008
2 years today
This time two years ago my Dad was in hospital after having a nasty fall off the deck. He suffered a brain injury, spent nearly 5 months in hospital here. I was moving house the day it happened. So I spent the next few months going to work, going to visit him, home to eat and sleep then start again. Poor Dad. He was so frustrated and yet naive. But now, he has a go at everything. He's done everything he can to be independent and improve mentally and physically . Today is also his 73rd birthday.
Last year I thought I'd finally met the man of my dreams but soon realised that wasn't for me. Then I was diagnosed with the cancer, and now four months later I'm slowly getting back to being ME again. Crook again today.. trying to work out what I ate this time!
Today when I got home I opened my mail to find an appointment card for the oncologist. I nearly cried! I knew it would be coming but it reminds you that this is for the rest of your life. Great though that our medical system provides for these check ups so regularly but ...
I turned around to my fridge and saw a saying I've had on it for quite awhile. You know, its there but you never notice it. But tonight I read it and it's funny how moments in your day fit together sometimes. The saying reads
"Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is. the way you cope with it is what makes the difference." Virginia Satir.
How true!
And I will keep on coping because there are people a lot worse off than me and no matter how much 'crap' I've had over the past two years, I've had far more good things happen. Met great people, learn't heaps, achieved more than what I'd dreamed I could and I'M ALIVE!
This is another saying that Stew gave me recently which hangs on my office wall
"Destiny - though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a brand new ending" - Carl Bard.
I've lost 11 kgs since my surgery and now I have to work at losing more. I'm still 10 kgs heavier than I was when I returned from Aus in 2004. It's not a problem keeping status quo with my on again, off again IBS but I'd rather be healthy and lose weight in a healthy way. So I'm actually writing down the foods that affect me and I'm going to use my old WW books to try and work out my diet sheet. Yesterday was raining here and I put my jacket on. I've never been able to do the buttons up before so it was really neat to do them up easily. So like Chris H I'm gonna work on 'being on track'. By June 08 I will lose 10% of my body weight. Thats another 11 kgs, easily manageable but a realistic goal for now.
January 7, 2008
Day Three - I made it!

I drew the diagonal on 134 1 1/2inch squares last night so now to sew them to the corners of the rectangles. I have three really good books to read from the library but don't dare read a page until I've got the sewing (whoops and the housework) done.
Well off to the other room (sewing room that is.. YES)
January 6, 2008

So when I can't cut anymore I sew and lay out.. It looks nothing like the pattern... but when it gets the sashings and borders it will be beautiful. As for getting it finished by Friday when my sister arrives... we will see. I'm going to Carol's to spend a night sewing this week but I also have to make my roman blind and cushion covers (two more UFO's) - shame I have to work!
It's been an 8/10 day today. I've managed to hold everything I've eaten.. which isn't much.. but I'm going to try steak, fried spud and veges, and of course beetroot for dinner... safe foods!!!

And my daughter tells me Olivia (4 in March) has been sewing today. YIPEEEEEEEE. She has been making herself a dress ... more like a sari I believe but hey, neither of my girls are into craft at all so there's hope yet. My two big grandsons have both had a go and enjoyed it but I don't think they have time for it with mountain biking and motorcross riding. Olivia can be a master quilter or a dress designer... hehe.. yeah right!
This photo was taken before she tried to be a hairdresser and cut off her fringe before Christmas!
January 5, 2008
Spring Cleaning - Yeah right

This is Grandson George's quilt. Needs sashings in between now and other stuff done. Won't take long .... hmmmm

Also, I need to clean windows, floors, bathroom, make up the spare bed etc etc. And start looking for a car. My car can't be locked now and since its only worth $1 its not worth fixing it. But a pain when I want to go to town! Stressing about cars is not needed at the moment. I'm going through a post cancer depression thingy I think and some days I find it hard to cope with anything. It's weird. I haven't felt like it for 15 years but I'm told its just part of the healing process. Good old St Johns Wart or rather Elizac is my saviour. It is such a fantastic pick me up but sadly I can't find it in NZ anymore. I picked up a bottle in Aus in June 'just in case' but it will see me through.
Stew packed up his office yesterday. Shouted muffins which was beautiful, thanks Stew! And thanks for the effort to get the right one for me - didn't taste the arsenic at all!! Obviously it didnt work anyway.
I had thought of moving into his office but he left it in such a mess I can't be bothered haha. *Jok We decided (all two of us at work) to make a managerial decision and go home early as we are now in mourning. We are lost and forelorn - the guy in charge now is called Caspar - I'll say no more!
So hopefully we'll get a new boss soon - otherwise we could end up on stress leave..... haha but until then I have a CARPARK behind the office. And noone has stolen the car YET!
Right, now I'm off here and going to start cutting and piecing this tablecloth and pin up the roman blind and clean ... Tui!
Well its now 7.30 and I have cut out hundred's of strips of fabric and now am going to sort them into lights, mediums and darks. The phone hasn't rung today but my little grandson Cam texted me (geez, he's 8) to tell me he's called his doll Cuddles. I rang him then and my daughter told me he has taken it everywhere with him, to the beach even for New Years. He is such a sentimental little guy. The other two little grandies evidently showed their dolls off to Great Aunty Debbie (oh how I love to say that - she's only 41 hehe). I am so pleased I made them, I really enjoyed it but I think I should have started earlier. The late nights have not helped. So tomorrow it'll be sewing and cleaning of course!
And today's been 7/10 so early to bed tonight and taking care of myself - Hmmm Chris that's a HUGE black bag... hope it has a power pack!